
Parenting tips!

Teaching resilience skills to our children is something we all would like to be versed in. Helping ourselves and our children to ‘bounce back’ after minor set backs is vital for solid mental health and self esteem.

We see and read so many messages that conflict perhaps with each other, our own views on parenting and that of our parents. I work with a number of parents who are continually bombarded with mixed messages on what the ‘perfect parent’ looks like.

Keep it simple and try the ideas below to help yourself and your child broaden your parenting horizons.

Praising your child. Praise is obviously important for us all, we all like to hear we have done a good job. However, if you praise every single thing your child does, they will take praise for granted and therefore, not benefit from their true accomplishments.

Encouraging new ways of doing things. Sometimes we can avoid encouraging our children to try new things as we may consider they are too dangerous or take ‘US’ out of ‘our’ comfort zone. Try not to pass on your fears and doubts to your child and allow them to learn from not always getting things right.

Allow them space. Parents can sometimes ‘over help’ their children. Instead they actually ‘do’ things for their child rather than supporting their children to ‘do’ things. Take a step back and give them space to get on with the job.

Encourage social activity. Parents can sometimes be over protective when it comes to their children socializing in and out of school. Friendships out the family environment are very important and encourages trust their own judgement in making friends.

Open emotionally. It’s important to show your child that emotions are a part of everyday life therefore, if you don’t show any they will never learn to deal with them. If you feel emotional then show it, it’s fine! No more ‘stiff upper lip’.

Be a good role model. Talk to your child about mistakes that you have made as this will give them courage and motivation to be more proactive in their approach. Be prepared to try a new skill, especially if you are encouraging your child to learn one.

If the above ideas interest you, you would most certainly benefit from booking onto our Positive Parenting workshop. Why not visit for details?

You owe it to yourself and your family……………….Good luck!